Blown Away by God

Have you ever been so blown away by God that it literally stops you in your tracks? You don't know whether to laugh or cry. You don't know whether to dance for joy or fall to your feet and worship? Well that is how I am feeling. Why you ask? Well let me tell you...

As many of you know, I have been looking for a house to live in for almost 6 months now. It has been such a hard journey of language learning, patience, frustrations with papers that I don't have and wonderings of what God had in store for me.

On January 4, I once again got in my car to go see yet another house hoping that maybe this would be the one... just maybe. At this point I had lost count of how many houses I had seen, how many phone calls I had made and how many emails I had sent. As I was going to check out the house, to be completely honest with you, I wasn't very optimistic, but little by little God changed that. As my friend and I entered the apartment, we both were surprisingly shocked by how "me" this place was. We had had many conversations about what I was looking for, what was on my "must have" list and what was on my "desired" list. This place hit all of them. And then God began putting little things in place. For one, when we entered the kitchen I saw a double door fridge (NOT COMMON), dishwasher and a washing machine that were there. As I was preparing to ask what appliances were going to stay and which he would be taking with him I was thinking that it would be cool if the fridge and dishwasher stayed but that I already have a washing machine and I wouldn't want to just store it. His response was EXACTLY as I had hoped. Fridge and dishwasher to stay, washing machine to go. And this happened in almost every room.

My friend and I walked out in shock and awe. It was crazy how much I could see myself living there and how I could see God's fingerprints all over the place. However, as I had promised myself with every place I had seen, I wanted to sleep on it and decide in the morning if I would put an offer in. Surprisingly, I slept amazing that night and had peace about putting in an offer below asking price. As the journey continued, although it took over a month for him to officially accept my offer, I found out that he had had other offers and other people who had seen the place but had not chosen to go with them because he wanted to honour the fact that I was the first person to put an offer in. WOW!

So then we come to the contract (over a month after putting in my offer), and this is always the hard part. Seeing as my situation is a little more complicated with my organization, and the fact that I am not Spanish and all, this can often be difficult. But so far everything is going surprisingly well, and if all continues in the same manner I could be living in a new place within 2 weeks! And this would be exactly 6 months since I first started looking.

For me the craziest part of it all is the peace that I have had through this whole process. Normally, waiting over a month to hear about wether my offer had been accepted would make me give up or doubt, but somehow I had peace and I trusted God was going to provide his best. I never once lost a night's sleep over this house or had a stressful breakdown, and I know this is ALL because of God.

As I think about moving and setting up a new house in Spain, I am a little nervous about the details and figuring out how to choose a moving company, as well as a gas, electricity and wifi plan in another country and language, but I know that God has been with me every step of the way so far and I can't doubt him now. If you get the chance to visit me, and you get to see my house I know you will be as blown away as I am at the AMAZING gift of a house he has given me. It is more than I could've asked for or imagined and I am just blown away by God.


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