Christmas Blessings

Christmas is typically a really hard time for me here in Spain. Seeing as it is usually a time for family to gather together, I frequently find myself lonely and alone. This year in an attempt to avoid these feelings I said yes to absolutely everything that was offered and seeing as I am slowly making more friends, this meant that my schedule filled up quite quickly.

It officially started for me December 5. My friend Nayra had invited me to Gran Canaria to spend a week with her and her family. She is originally from there so it was amazing to have the opportunity to explore with a national. I loved every minute of my time there and although we did some amazing things, the best part for me was getting to know her family and friends and just getting to deepen our friendship. It was quite fun to see her in that setting and to get to know a different side of her.

Following that trip, I few out to Canada hours after I arrived back to Madrid. This is the first time I had returned "home" since my Grandma died 2 years earlier. I was nervous and excited and didn't really know what to expect but as we were landing my heart quickened and I even shed a few tears of joy to be in a place that is so dear to me. My 2 weeks in Canada were a whirlwind of people, events and love. I had forgotten the amount of support and friendships I have in Canada and was completely blown away to be surround by instant community and friendships that quickly went back to normal as if I had never left. It was a weird mix for me as I felt like I didn't belong, and yet as if I couldn't fit in any better. Little things like slamming on the breaks while looking for the clutch, my inability to speak English well, being shocked by how dirty the cars are, and the service in restaurants all showed me that I had changed (even if it only showed in little ways). Yet, I was blown away by the love that was poured out on me. Building community in Spain has been a slow and difficult process for me. I needed well over a year to just be able to have a decent conversation with someone in Spanish and that didn't include going deep with them at all. As I looked around at the community I have in Canada, I had to remind myself that it took me 26 years to build these relationships and that some of them were formed before I was even born by my family. I was reminded over and over again to have patience with myself and to trust God in the process.

All in all my time in Canada was absolutely amazing. I was able to meet my two new nieces as well as two "nieces" from friends. I couldn't believe how much my nieces and nephew had changed and yet how I still fit into my family. In terms of being with people I felt incredibly at home and loved, and yet I knew deep down that I don't belong in Canada anymore. People had asked if going back to Canada would be to my detriment, and if I would have a hard time coming back to Spain, but I would say the exactly opposite. I went to Canada, reminded myself of the support and love that I have, reminded myself of the gifts that God has given me, got tons of encouragement from the community around me and that gave me the strength and energy I needed to return ready to begin a new season here in Spain. I loved being in Canada but one thing I learned for sure is that Spain is my home and this is where I belong.

As I got ready to board my flight home from Canada, I couldn't help but reflect on how different the experience was for me than when I first moved to Spain. Although the goodbyes were hard, I was encouraged knowing that I would see everyone again soon and I knew what to look forward to this time. I no longer was stepping into the unknown but returning to a place that now feels like home. I also met up with my cousin in Toronto who had planned to be in Spain with me over the Spanish Christmas holidays.

Alison and I arrived in Spain on December 29 and we hopped right into life here. December 30th I started at my new church and Ali was there to see it all. The 31st we went to a New Years Eve party hosted by some of the young adults in my new church and we didn't get home until 10:30am! I was so thankful that Ali was flexible and willing to jump into any circumstance including being dropped off a Spanish movie theatre while I went to a prayer meeting. Having her around helped me to further develop friendships and allowed them to see another side of me. One of my friends even commented on how much I talk in English, saying that in Spanish I just don't talk so she was so surprised (yes I know it's hard to believe!). On top of all of that it was such a blessing to be reminded of how far I have come in my language abilities and in my ability to get around and do things in Spain.

All in all, this Christmas season has been nothing of what I expected and full of blessings. It has taken the bitter taste out of my mouth and has given me a full heart that is ready to jump into this new season of life that God has for me. I look forward to the adventures that God has for me in 2019 and hope that through His strength I will be able to fulfil the purposes He has for me.


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