The Church in Spain

I have been attending a church in the city of San Fernando since I have arrived in Spain and it has been going through lots of challenges and changes. San Fernando is a daughter church that was planted 30 years ago. When I arrived this church was planning on reproducing and planting another church, however, since the summer it has been experiencing some problems. The pastor and his family had to leave the church due to some conflict and our church has dwindled to just 20-30 people instead of the 70 we had. This has been a hard time for the church and we as missionaries are trying to help without taking over so that the nationals will take ownership of their church and more responsibility. 
Now a 30 year old church may seem "old" to some people, but to Spaniards this is just a teenager church who is going to through the typical struggles a teenager goes through. Youth is from 13-30+ in Spain and it is interesting how this is even reflected in the church. 
Please pray for San Fernando as we are growing and learning. Pray that God will bring a new pastoral family to lead this church and that it will grow into a healthy and strong church. 


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