Summer Musings
I had been told on various occasions by my coworkers, "You think life is busy now? Just wait until summer!" Naive little me thought nothing of it and instead I decide to fill my summer with lots of activities and people not knowing what lay ahead. On the other side of the summer, finally getting a break that is longer than 3 days I can say the they were right! Don't get me wrong this summer was incredible and I was very blessed to be involved in lots of amazing things as well as explore a lot more of Spain and understand the culture better. However, I have been slowly trying to recover and I think I will need about a week of nothing before I can fully function again. This summer had lots of ups and downs. There were times I was so frustrated with the language or the spiritual opposition I just wanted to pack my bags and return to Canada. BUT God blessed me majorly by giving little victories within those hard times to help me grow and remember why it is that I am here ...